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UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation Fundraiser Luncheon

In the late 1960s, a group of scientists and volunteers at UCLA came together to develop a cancer center they hoped would become renowned for excellence in research, education and patient care. Today, the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center has established an international reputation for providing the best in experimental and traditional cancer treatments and expertly guiding the next generation of medical research.

This winter, CL22 Productions had the honor of co-producing the UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation's annual Fundraiser Luncheon for the San Fernando Valley Guild. The Winter Wonderland event took place in the ballroom of the Sheraton Universal Hotel and featured gorgeous holiday decor designed by CL22 Productions' owner Cynthia Lopell. In attendance of the event were the San Fernando Valley Guild's President, Alexandra Nilsson, Vice President & Treasurer, Rebecca Corbera and the Director of Strategic Partnership, Jacqui Farina. The event included Margaret Steele, Executive Director of the Foundation as the Key Note Speaker and Affiliate Member Stephen McLeod announcing the winners of the raffle.

This fantastic fundraising luncheon raised an astonishing thirty thousand dollars for the UCLA-JCCC. The presentation of funds will take place in March at UCLA's Pacific Palisades Room at Carnesale Commons. One of the extraordinary attributes of this foundation is that it directs 90% of it's total donations to cancer research with only 10% going to administrative expenses.

JCCF is the single most important vehicle in driving finds for cancer research at UCLA. These funds provide researchers the means to pursue promising new projects and enhance established programs in areas ranging from cancer survivorship and clinical research to the development of targeted therapies. The foundation has a Board of Directors comprised of respected business and community leaders who are dedicated to raising money through major and planned gifts, annual and tribute gifts, and special events and community activities.

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